About Me



About Me

(Front-end) Web Developer & Designer with 10 years of Experience


Who am I?

A Seasoned Web Developer with Experience to match, Eugene Has been Developing Projects on the Web since 2013. He has intermediate knowledge and skills in Front-End Web Development and Is currently focused on Development.


Born and Raised in Chicago, I've been in Phoenix for 11 years. Professionally, I got my start in Web Development using platforms like codeacademy and w3schools during the earlier years of the inception of these platforms. Upon becoming comfortable enough, I eventually started coding websites for my friends and family as well as for my personal use for things such as Resume's, Portfolio's and even a Gaming Website for my eSports Team back in 2016.

Beginner Projects

I spent a few years mastering HTML and CSS as well as building a client base from my Social Media network. During this time I designed and developed many websites for Small businessess and Individual Creatives mostly active on Instagram and Facebook.

Adding Functionality

I started getting into Javascript a few years ago as came to the realization that I needed my websites to "Do" something and not just look pretty and provide information. This opened me up to more dynamic and responsive approach to website building. I started utilizing platforms such as upwork and fiver to connect with organizations looking for my skillset and still do to this day on a consistent basis.

Consistency and Committment

I was also employed during the time I was learning and practicing to Code in areas such as Retail, Advanced Technical Support and Computer Repair Tech. These Positions helped and provided much knowledge in preparation for this role as a web developer. I am technically inclined as a natural trait and always look to solve problems whether they be simple or complex.

My Greatest Strengths are Adaptability, Intelligence and Dedication. I am a respectable, hard working individual who has a LOVE of knowledge and Know-how which means that I know how to consistently keep learning independently.


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